Magali Paeps

Clinical psychologist - Behavioral therapist in training



By changing nothing, nothing changes – Tony Robbins

Magali Paeps

My background

In 2018, I graduated as a clinical psychologist (specializing in adults) from KU Leuven. Since my graduation, I have worked in various departments within psychiatric hospitals. This has allowed me to gain experience with diverse settings and target groups.
Additionally, in 2021, I started the Postgraduate Behavioral Therapy program (specializing in adults) at KU Leuven. I strive to continue developing myself as a clinical psychologist and aspiring behavioral therapist.

What you can come to me for

  • Stress and tension-related complaints
  • Fear of failure, perfectionism, self-image
  • Anxiety and depression complaints
  • Problematic substance use

What characterizes me

  • Accessible in contact, from person to person
  • Goal-oriented and supportive
  • Direct but in a warm manner

My approach

During the initial conversations, we will take time to explore your story and the issues you seek help with. We thoroughly examine the various complaints and consider how they relate to each other. Together, we decide on the focus areas for our sessions. Throughout the counseling process, we aim to untangle the knots in your thoughts, feelings, and emotions and look at how to translate the gained insights into practice. We also pay attention to your strengths and how they can play a role in your recovery. You will take a central and active role in this process.

My leisure activities

In my free time, I enjoy a nice walk in nature or a good meal. We love to travel and often seek out nature during our trips. But I also enjoy just lounging on the couch at home with the TV on in the background and the cat on my lap, which completely relaxes me. Additionally, I like spending time with flowers and plants.