Kristien Brassine

Professional Coach


I am a woman, mother, partner, scientist, coach, and ... myself. Now I show myself as I truly am, but that hasn't always been the case. Thanks to coaching, I have embarked on a journey to find myself, and I am now a certified ICF Professional Certified Coach myself.

Verbinding is de reden waarom we hier zijn, het geeft zin en betekenis aan ons leven” - Brené Brown


My background

After my studies - a master's degree in chemistry, followed by a Ph.D. in the sciences - I was busy building my career, having children... Until a burnout really forced me to stop and reconsider. My family sent me a clear message: things can't go on like this. It doesn't matter what you do, as long as you find happiness again. Easier said than done: what do I want at this stage of my life? Easier said than done: doing things that make me feel good about myself. Together with my family, my career coach, and my Professional Certified Coach, I embarked on a journey to find myself. I genuinely believe that every person needs a coach. A coach activates you, inspires you, and facilitates your development into a better human being. And above all, a coach is an independent sounding board, has no vested interests in any decision, and does not judge.

My approach

In the meantime, I have become an ICF Professional Certified Coach myself, gaining a lot of experience, and I want to accompany you on your journey to self-discovery, connecting from heart to heart, and helping you feel what is important to you and what you need. Who can benefit from my services?

  • adults and adolescents aged 17 and above experiencing stress or (symptoms of) burnout;
  • adults who want to critically evaluate their careers
  • adults who are unsure of what they want and want to take control of their lives;
  • adults who want to continue developing and growing as individuals to optimize their potential

My leisure activities

Music adds extra color to my days, especially when I can attend a live concert or occasionally perform on stage with F:e-m@il. In addition, I still find time to read a good book, go for walks, or meet up with friends. 

"Imagine that I would coach you. What topics would you like to exchange thoughts or spar about, in all safety and trust?