Lien Van Eylen

Theoretical psychologist - Well-being coach


With my background in research and passion for psychosocial well-being, I aim to inspire and support individuals in their quest for a more meaningful and balanced life.

“You can’t go back and make a new start, but you can start now and make a brand new ending.” -J. Sherman


My background

My background lies in behavioral neuroscience, graduating as a psychologist in 2008, followed by research focusing on the cognitive abilities of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and their families, culminating in a doctorate in this field. I then worked as a staff member at the University Psychiatric Center (UPC) of KU Leuven. After personal reflection, I realized my passion lies in directly guiding individuals and promoting their psychosocial well-being. This led me to a career change, where I further developed through self-study and additional training to become an inspiring coach.

What you can come to me for

  • Psychological guidance and well-being coaching for adults
  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)
  • Support for stress and burnout, rumination, fear of failure, sleep problems, assertiveness
  • Assistance in finding a more meaningful life in line with personal values and needs

What characterizes me

  • A strong background in behavioral neuroscience and research
  • A personal and empathetic approach to coaching
  • A focus on behavior therapy and ACT

My approach

As a well-being consultant and psychologist, my goal is to connect with my clients and collaboratively find ways to overcome obstacles. I strive to inspire and motivate toward goal-oriented actions, firmly rooted in the principles of behavior therapy and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). I provide guidance to adults on various topics.

Need a conversation or assistance in tackling your challenges? I'm here to support you.