Lieve Dillen

Clinical Psychologist


You are welcome with any request for help. With attention to your environment, we will together embark on a journey towards your personal growth.


My background

I consider it important to continuously learn and utilize, apply, and transfer that knowledge and experience to others. I have completed various short and long-term training programs such as a Master's in Clinical Psychology, teacher training, coaching, psychoanalytic psychotherapy, mindfulness, assessment and diagnostics, good clinical practice, ICF, self-determination, emotion regulation, solution-focused therapy, ACT, dialectical behavior therapy, etc. I have also attended training sessions on topics like parentification, selective mutism, grief, depression, addiction, early detection of autism, analyzing children's drawings, yoga, meditation, inner child work, initiation shiatsu, bodywork, etc. I strive to integrate these insights and experiences into my practice.

What you can come to me for

  • You are welcome with any request for help
  • Various psychological challenges and questions including grief, depression, addiction, and many more
  • Support in formulating and achieving personal goals and changes
  • Collaborations with your environment (such as family, partner, and work)    

What characterizes me

  • A broad and in-depth knowledge in clinical psychology, enriched by continuous professional development
  • A versatile approach that integrates elements of various therapies and techniques
  • A strong focus on the individual within their context with attention to both personal and environmental factors

My approach

You are welcome to come to me with any request for help, whether it originates from yourself or from your environment. Together, we take the first steps towards change and personal growth. After our intake, we decide together how we can best navigate your path, with attention to all aspects of your life, such as family, work, and school. If necessary, I also collaborate with other professionals to provide you with the best possible support.

Ready to take the first steps towards change or personal growth? I'm here to support you